We cover the entire San Francisco Bay Area, providing the following:
Sigura Pro Painting is a full-service painting company that provides a high quality finished product. We are committed to a superior standard of excellence in each single project we perform, regardless of its size. Our company accommodates homeowners, businesses, and property managers, throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
We Focus On:
- Interior Painting
- Exterior painting
- Cabinets Painting
- Color Matching
- Power Washing
- Commercial Painting Services
- Lead Abatement
- Floor Coatings
- Finishes and Faux
- Deck Staining
- Acoustic Ceiling Restoration
- Caulking
- Concrete Floor Stain
- Drywall Repair
- Graffiti removal
- Mildew Removal
- New and Repaint Work
- Plaster and Drywall installation/repair
- Paint Galvanized metal
- Surface Preparation
- Spray Painting metal
- Restoration of Wood, Stucco, Shingles and Decks
- Removal of Popcorn Ceiling
- Wallpaper Removal
- Warehouse Painting
- Waterproofing
- Weather Proofing Systems
We Utilize:
Latex, Oils, Lacquers, Primers, Stains, Elastomerics, Varnishes, 0-VOC
Airless and HVLP sprayers (High Volume, Low Pressure), Brushes, and Rollers
NOTE: If you have questions regarding any of the above items, or you are unsure whether we perform certain work that may not be listed, please do not hesitate to contact us.